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Thanks for taking the time to explore our website. When you visit us you will find a warm, friendly group of people who are committed to making church exciting, life-changing and enjoyable.  It is our desire that church be a place where people can receive what they need from God. 

At Kingdom Life, we aren’t overly concerned about a dress code. Our service is casual dress and you can come as you are.  Our Sunday (on-site) and Wednesday (online) worship services are passionate and life-giving.  You will have the opportunity to hear relevant teaching from the word of God. We believe you will leave our weekly services both challenged and changed. 


Kingdom Life desires to help individuals establish a relationship with Jesus Christ by teaching a life changing word which will saturate the whole body, soul and spirit.  Our goal is to Advance God’s Kingdom one life at a Time. With God’s word we will help individuals and families to walk in their God-given authority as believers, so they can have dominion in every area of their lives.  

“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

— GENESIS 1:28


At Kingdom Life we know that the church is only as strong as the individuals and families who attend. Please join us for one of the following gatherings. Men (Man2Man), Women (Women of Influence), Marriage (Covenant Keepers), and Singles (Singles Gathering).

for NOW gen

Now Generation’s mission is 1 Timothy 4:12. This verse reads, “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

Middle and High school
Ministers the Word of God to promote positive images of Christianity.  Based on their level of understanding this ministry provides an atmosphere for them to enjoy music, video games, movies, and to receive the Word of God.  This ministry meets on Wednesday evenings.

>> Currently meeting Wednesday nights on ZOOM from 7:30pm-8:00pm! ZOOM meeting ID: 516 866 0977 <<

Our Children's ministry (2 year olds to 5th grade) is designed to minister to the needs of children and  provide an atmosphere for growth and development. It is a privilege to serve God's children and we seek to do it well. We are staffed with trained members who are seeking to show God's love even to the youngest among us.  Children’s church takes place on Sunday’s during the morning worship time and Parents may pick their children up at the end of the service.

 2 - 4 years old
As they become toddlers, we teach through hands-on activities featuring Noah's Ark, Jesus, Creation and other stories from the Bible.

 K - 5th grade
The Bible is presented in an exciting way that children can understand. We have monthly themes and the children are given opportunities for social gatherings.

>> Currently meeting Sunday mornings during our Worship Service <<



Pastors Anthony and Atina Johnson are natives of Richmond, Virginia and the Senior Pastors of Kingdom Life Church, A multicultural, multiethnic ministry with an assignment to Advance God’s Kingdom, One Life at a Time.


Senior Pastor

Anthony Johnson is the founder and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Life located in Richmond VA.  With a passionate yet practical teaching style, he is committed to strengthening families and developing leaders. He believes that every believer can fulfill their God given purpose and reach their destiny in life.  As pastor, teacher, and author Pastor Anthony believes that now is the time to impact this generation for the Kingdom of God!

He and his wife Atina are the parents of three children, Ashante, Anthony Jr. and Aysha.


Executive Pastor

Atina Johnson is the founder and Executive Pastor of Kingdom Life.  While working alongside her husband she oversees the Operations and Administrative aspects of the ministry.  She also facilitates a woman’s gathering known as Women of Influence (WIN).  Pastor Atina believes that there are no limits once we come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  With humor, boldness and compassion she delivers a practical, life giving message to challenge people of all walks of life.

She and her husband are the parents of three children, Ashante, Anthony Jr. and Aysha.